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Hola Luriel. Como consigo el código que me pide al empezar el juego?? Gracias.

Hola Socratesba-hub, como estás? Debes bajar el archivo desde esta página 😁

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Muchas gracias por tu respuesta, pero donde está el link? El juego lo bajé de esta página-

No hay problema 😊, debes bajar el archivo que está denominado como "Code for extra content..."


Im not getting any subtitles for the android download?? 


Sorry for that 😔. Some versions of android aren't compatible with the game



嗨,zznnyy ☺️。你能解释一下发生了什么吗?


The caracter not speak.,can you help me ,what is the problem? 

music ,and effect is oké..only the speak,is problem..thks

Hi xaxa, how are you? ☺️ Are you playing on android?


No, I used onPC..


Sorry, to ask you so many things, but this is my 1 game,and I am inexperienced in this.

I paid the money,in email I received a link, there is this..your key of coustomer support referense, but I can't use it.

When the game starts, it asks for the code, but I can't paste anything there.

My question is, how would this process work, and how can I find the code..thanks for your help Joaco16!😊

Hi, how do I pay the 10 dollars for the code?

Hi P.Fatal 😁. You need to click on the button "Buy now"

Hi thanks for the reply, but there's only the download button and it just takes me to the option where I can name my own price thing?

nevermind! I got it. Thanks.

Excuse me, what happened to my download failure? I downloaded Android many times, but it was useless. I especially want to play this game. Is there any solution?

Hi zznnyy, how are you? 😁 If you download the first season is working good on android, the second season are on rework right now

What I downloaded is the first season-redo. It seems that there is a bug in the platform? But I can't download other games. Can you send me a special link, or is there any other solution?

I'm sorry to bother you again. I tried for hours and failed to download it. I'm a mobile user. Is there really no way for me to play this game? As a loyal fan, I hope to have a good solution.

hey joaco16. You are super hot. i cant find my password anymore. i think i am a knight/that is serious. however, i can s*ck if you help me find it. XD lol . you re gorgeous, thanks for helping luriel out and providing the pretty :) 

Hi shenkhobali! 😁. Awww thanksss!! you are so sweet 🥺💕. Hahaha I'm going to help you anyway 🤣. If you are playing on PC you need to use the password of the chapter 10. If you don't have it you can download it again from here. If you pay the knight tier you always can access to it 🤗

Galera , alguem pode me indicar uma plataforma que eu possa pagar pela temporada dois? Por aqui nao consigo efetuar o pagamento, obrigado a todos!

Você pode tentar através do Gumroad ou do Patreon 😁



Will we ever get another Incest scene again? Bcs Usher and Bennett's was so sexy and made me cum a few times!

boa tarde novamente, acabei de constatar que perdi meu paypal por falta de uso, 5 anos sem usar , bloquearam  minha conta permanentemente , tem outra forma de pagamento? obrigado!

Boa tarde! Nesta plataforma não há mais métodos de pagamento, mas você pode procurar nas outras plataformas, talvez algum método de pagamento seja útil para você


boa tarde!

qdo eu fizer o pagamento como se recebe o código , dentro do jogo (baixar novamente) ou por aqui mesmo? obrigado!

Oi gutuan01 ☺️.  O código é baixado em um arquivo .txt por aqui

Hi, I got the $5 unlocks but meant to purchase the $10 codes for season 1. Is there a way for me to pay the difference?

I have downloaded the full season 1 on windows, I started the game and it asked me for a code (I didnt pay anything for the moment) to have all NSFW actions, how can I pay for that code after already downloading the game? D:

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Hi Solarpanel69 ☺️. You only need to pay $10 here and then you can download the code for the game, then you can play with out restrictions 🤗

Hi! Why won't you place the game on Steam? I would buy again! :)

Hi dimmanxak! 😁. We are doing the rework of the game to place it on Steam 💪🏻💪🏻. Thanks a lot for your support again 🤗

Also, is there still a place to download the original full version of Season 1?

Is there a file version of the game guide? Similar to TXT or DOC version. I want to unlock ACTEON's CG, but I haven't been able to find a way.

what is the night level 

HI follydog! That is the tier level, with this tier you can access to all the content of the game

Sorry but how much money do I need to spend to get the NSFW scenes and do we have a scene with Usher?

Hi Sora! 😁 You need to pay $10 to access to all the content of the game, we have a lot of pictures strip with usher 😉

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There's so many things to download....Any suggestions on where to start first (chronologically or plot/story-wise if possible)? Or is there going to be a bundle that gets me everything?

Hello The full season 2 code isn't working for the itch version that is with 1 how do i fixed this?

hi Sirpsych ☺️. Try to use the last code (of the chapter 10)

I don't know if I am doing it right I have the file pulled up of all the season 2 codes none are working. 

Try to download the code from here now and try to use the last code. I hope you can solve it 🤗

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Is there a way to play season 2 through itch launch like season 1 rework? I downloaded directly to PC. ANd the codes for season 2 aren't working

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Hi Eliksnir! Sorry for late, you need to use the code of the chapter 10 to play the season 2 💪🏻. Because this is the last update

Hello. I've bought the Full season 2. But I can't find it to install through itch. Is the second also rework? How do I install it?

Hi Eliksnir, how are you? I hope you find it. Partially, the second season have 2 part with and with out rework, but we are on the full rework right now 💪🏻

Thanks. Só, the one available here is not the rework, right? And how can I install it through itch? I'm about to finish part 1 rework and wish to play part 2


Why so no answer me reply me


You're only going to know the codes if you've paid money bro

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Tell me now what is code for on game where codes in it


Hi matty, sorry we work with this game, I hope you can understand 🫤. If you pay $10 you can access to the code


Where list on code how l pay l not see on list bullshit


All know what is codes for game

Hi all, I just went ahead and paid $10 since I'm liking the game. I just got to the first scene that required payment and even though I have entered the code, it still says I can't see the pictures. What am I missing?


Hi Eager! ☺️. You need to put the code when you play the game too

Thanks for the reply. I put the code in as soon as I started the game and it accepted it, but it still tells me I need to be at Knight's level or something for about 2/3rds of the encounters. I can download the scenes individually, but that isn't the same as in the context of the game. 

I am still going thru Season 1 btw, in case that makes a difference.

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I have the same problem. I have been liking the game so I bought the code, but in my save file the galleries and scenes are still locked after entering the code. Playing on mac.

[Edit: I found you have to 'start' a new game. You can then select the chapter and fast forward to where you were before. It's a bit difficult but it works.


Hey, in the android version, i cant insert the code for extra content

In the file i've downloaded, the code have 10 letters. But in game, it will only accept up to 4 letters.


Hi Arcana, maybe you are using a code from another season or chapter? 🤔

How to get code???


Hi! You can get the code paying $10. Then you can find the file here, ready to download 🤗


Really pay money l never pay for money  no give me code please or else

Fiz o download da temporada completa 1, consegui instalar o jogo porem, toda vez que eu vou abrir aparece a tela de carregamento, e o jogo fecha do nada. Uso tablet Multilaser 32gb / 2gb



Hi ggcvv! 😁. Yeah we try to add a

multilanguage on the future 🤗

Hi, love what I'm seeing so far but I wanna double check- if I buy Prince tier ($20 or more) here, does that mean I'll also have access to future Prince tier content that's posted here, or would I specifically need to join your Patreon at that tier for future content? Just wanna make sure I know what's included on each site. Definitely buying this, just want to make sure I make the right purchase! Thanks, and I look forward to enjoying your incredible work!

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Hi bonsairyan! 😁 If you paid $20 you have access to all the content right now and on the future too. I hope you enjoy the novel 🤗

That's an incredible deal! I'm excited for the download to finish, lol

The android downloads of season 2 are absolute disasters that don't work properly. Text doesn't show up, I can't put my unlock codes in. I'm really disappointed.

Hi rollerce, sorry for the issues, we fix this on the first season, right now we are working on the rework of the first chapters on the second season, to fix that too. Again... Sorry for the disappointed 😔


Please tell me code

Buy it yourself, asshole.

Too bad the game isn't on Steam

Hi vakhrushev 😁. We are doing the rework of the second season right now, we hope fix that too and then with out bugs maybe we can get in to steam 💪🏻💪🏻

Hi there, I am not finding the option for the full game on here, where could I pay to download the full game?

I was able to download season 2 but as soon as I launch on itch, it just opens a list of links is this normal?

Hi Jaun91, yeah! The season 2 are on a few links at the moment ☺️

Oh ok, would I need to download it from all the links provided for MAC or I only pick one link? 

You can choose the download page 😁 


How do I get all scenes and what's the code for all the content of the Season 1 rework do I need to buy it or what? Also is Ushers and Bennetts scene removed from the game now?

Will it ever be possible that we get another scene with Usher and Bennett or maybe just a golden shower scene? Also is Theodoric already in the game and will Bennett fuck with him? Keep up the great work!

I'm stuck in Part 2, Chapter 9, where Bennett is planning the attack. The first 3 participants load on the map then I cannot get the rest to load and cannot get past the battle map. Any solution? 


Hi, just to know, how much needs to be paid for the paid version?

Hi Michozo! 😁. If you pay $10 USD, you can access to all the content of the game 🤗 

Thank you kindly!

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Hello I was wondering if season 2 was fully out yet since I downloaded a version on your website that says full season 2 but it says to be continued and there is no ending.

Hi themangodandgo 😊. Yeah the season 2 is full, but the game continue on the season 3. We are working on the rework of the season 1 at this moment

Hi, great game! I got the codes but I cannot enter them in the S2. The first one seems to be too long, while the others just end up with the message WRONG CODE. What do I do wrong? Please help!

Hi trautenberg, can you tell me what chapter are you playing? And what's the device?

Hi Joaco16. Thanks a lot for your fast reply.

I finished the first season and wanted to try the first chapter of the second one. I opened the game (MedievalTimes_Chap_10.exe) and tried to enter the code for the first chapter, but I was able to enter just the first 6 letters, the rest did not fit any more. I am playing on Win10 obviously.

It was just a trial. I am waiting for the last chapter of the first season anyway :) I want to be ready, however... Thank you in advance!

have you found out how to insert the codes? I got the same problem. I bought season 2 and codes, but can't use them because it says it's wrong or too lon

Hi Eliksnir,

unfortunately not. But the game is working even without the codes...  :)

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